A Tall Tale: How the Ostriches Got Their Long Necks and Long Legs by Scott Sollers is the story of two rival communities living in valleys separated by a ridge. The Have-Alls live in a fertile, beautiful valley with their leader, Chief Somebody, and their prized pets, the Squatz. In the other valley, one more desolate and barren, live the No-Haves and their leader, Chief Nobody. The No-Haves, always jealous of the Have-Alls’ pets, decide to gather the Squatz for themselves. What results is a fierce tug-of-war that changes the two communities—and the Squatz—forever!
Evaluation comments:
“My daughter was delighted by this story.”
“It’s a fun story about two tribes (if you will) with different backgrounds–one full of abundance and the other quite the opposite. The tribe that was lacking decided to sneak into the other tribe’s territory to steal their pets. The two tribes fought for the pets by holding onto their heads and legs, which stretched them so long they became ostriches. And, basically everyone lives harmoniously together afterwards.”
“We read a ton at our house, so it’s nice to add new books to our library.”
“It’s a cute story. The author wrote this for his daughter. So sweet.”
“I like the simple, yet fun stories.”