Advanced Puzzles – Seasons comes from a collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. These puzzles address the behavioral and psychological development of children aged around 2. The puzzles tell the stories of a squirrel in the four seasons, arousing children’s awareness and interest towards the changing scenery of the four seasons. The four illustrations created by British illustrator Fiona and a creative picture book help children develop their ability to read pictures and cultivate aesthetic literacy.
Evaluation comments:
“This is a nice set of puzzles. There is a puzzle for each season, and each puzzle has a different number of pieces so that the difficulty level increases from puzzle to puzzle. The pieces are large, but not jumbo size–perfect for little kid hands and easy for Mom to piece together too.”
“The illustrations are muted in color, but are really cute designs with lots of animals in nature.”
“I like the nice quality of these puzzles and the increasing difficulty levels.”