Bubbles and Friends is an educational animated show for kids, brought to you by the educational experts of The Learning Experience®️. Join Bubbles and Friends on their adventures through Happyville as they explore and learn language, literacy, critical thinking, basic mathematical concepts, social emotional skills and so much more. Bubbles the Elephant will keep your toddler entertained with fun stories for children, nursery rhymes and original kids songs!
Evaluation comments:
“This is educational and entertaining for preschoolers.”
“The videos center on Bubbles, an elephant character and many adventures. The first video I watched was a cartoon that was under 6 minutes and took two children, a bird and Bubbles on a treasure hunt. There was a lesson that involved taking one step at a time and following the directions.”
“Another video I watched was a mix of cartoon and real life (a host is introduced in this one and a costume Bubbles)- they talked about the guitar and sang Old McDonald (as cartoon animals were behind them). All very sweet.”
“I like the variety of videos in this series. There is one where the host and Bubbles go to a park and talk about what they see there and things to do such as playing soccer, frisbee etc. Some videos are very short, around 5 minutes and there are longer videos that are based on themes (nature, science etc.)- 15-45 minutes.”
“These videos are developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. They teach lessons such as numbers, colors, shapes, vocabulary and social-emotional learning. The lead host is very easy going, talks to the “little learners” with ease. I like him.”
“There are videos of science experiments, field trips (park, farm) and musical videos. I thought these were well done, super cute, and fun.”
“I would recommend this to parents or grandparents of preschool children.”