¡BUENOS DÍAS! is a tour de force celebration of the vibrant music, language, and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Lively music transports kids on a magical ride across the entire Spanish-speaking world. Irresistible salsa, merengue, flamenco, reggae, and Andean rhythms encourage kids to sing along as they learn traditional foods, animals, songs, instruments, and more. Get ready to say “Buenos días” to a world of Spanish-learning fun!
Evaluation comments:
“The CD is adorable. The inside booklet has the songs in Spanish as well as the English translations, which is helpful to have on hand.”
“The songs are fun and catchy! They’re also different than the typical songs we listen to on repeat (row, row, row your boat, itsy bitsy spider, etc.) so it’s nice to have something different to listen to.”
“These are great songs to introduce to kids. I want my child to learn another language early, and this CD is helpful for me as I am not bilingual. She can listen to them while I sing along with the included lyrics and translations and pretend I know what I’m doing!”
“The quality of the music is great, and the singers are engaging and fun!”
“Really like the unique, catchy songs.”