Canopy uses AI to filter and block explicit content on computers and phones. Unlike other parental control solutions, it can block nudity and partial nudity even on an otherwise-acceptable website, such as lingerie model pictures on a department store website. Also includes anti-sexting, screen time management, location alerts, app/website/category blocking.
Evaluation comments:
“This is a good program for parents to use to protect them.”
“This is a a good internet filter, using artificial intelligence. It scans as the child browses and detects, and blocks elicit contact. The program automatically blocks pornographic website and can block just inappropriate content on sites such as covering revealing clothing. The app also has a locator, so parents know where their child is always.”
“There is so much on the internet that is inappropriate for kids, so as they get used to devices and navigating the digital world, this is a good way to provide some protection.”