Continent Race is a fun family game designed for 2+ players featuring the national flags of countries throughout the world. The first player to collect the required number of country cards from each continent wins the game! Supporting materials such as Maps, Mystery Continent cards, Antarctica wild cards with special privileges, and an option to do a one-on-one challenge between 2 players add to the excitement.
Evaluation comments:
“I like that it teaches children geography.”
“During the game, the players learn about geography and can even go online to learn how to pronounce the countries’ names. This is a fun, easygoing, educational game for teachers to use in their geography lessons or for family game night.”
“I thought it was easy to set up, had very clear directions and I learned that there are a lot of countries I’ve never heard of! This game could pique a child’s interest to learn more about some of these countries.”
“This game was fun because we’re learning things we didn’t already know WHILE having fun.”
It’s fast paced and so no one got bored.”
“We’re pretty competitive when it comes to games. We really loved that all the cards had the flags of each nation on them. That made it really cool to see a flag we weren’t familiar with.”