Hospital Grade Performing, Cordless, closed system breast pump. The cordless feature allows you to have freedom. Just like a laptop, if properly charged, you do not need an outlet. No external battery packs, no car chargers, the battery is inside the pump! Available today, at no cost, through your insurance. May come with a Deluxe Tote and additional accessories, if your qualify. Discover why moms want this pump more than any other.
Why we like it: The cordless feature on this pump is a game changer for me. I no longer need to find an outlet, restock batteries or plug a pump into my car cigarette lighter. Also, since it’s a hospital grade pump I’m able to get more milk per session and quicker, which is a huge deal. I noticed that even though I’m getting more milk in less time, there is also less discomfort. There were times I thought I’d only get 2 oz because I didn’t feel a powerful suction, then I’d look down to see I already had 3-4 oz. I never thought I’d love a pump, but I love this one. It feels amazing to know that my son will be well fed when I go back to work.