Hopalong Andrew sings fanciful cowboy songs about city life performed in the great tradition of the American West. If you’re a city dweller who loves the cowboy life, or country folk who loves visiting the city, his upcoming debut album is for you.
From our music judge:
Hailing from the wilds of New York City, Hopalong Andrew populates Howdy Do! mostly with witty Western-style parody updates of old standards. He cleverly turns the old Gene Autry classic “Back In The Saddle Again” into “Back In The City Again,” and “Jingle Jangle Jingle” into “Ice Cream Dude,” for example. Most impressive is his nimble-tongued name-checking of NYC neighborhoods on “I’ve Been Everywhere In New York City (based on Johnny Cash hit “I’ve Been Everywhere”). See if you replicate his rapid-fire recitations! While Hopalong Andrew’s twangy tunes may be parodies they never cross the line into being camp hokum. Written with affection and a fun-loving spirit, his “urban cowpoke” music provides a great soundtrack for barn dances and cattle drives – or backyard parties and car rides.