Get ready to take turns rolling the die and collecting ice blocks in a fun game of Ice Tumble. Then stack your blocks carefully, to make an ice sculpture, without any tumbling off. The first player to successfully place all of their ice blocks and their fox pawn on the sculpture wins the game. The blocks are slippery so be careful or the sculpture may come tumbling down.
Skills Focus : Spatial Reasoning, Fine Motor Skills. 2-4 players, 15 minutes of game play.
Evaluation comments:
“This game is so fun! It looks like a Jenga type game but with a twist.”
“The game comes very well put together. The ice cube pieces really look like ice cubes only not as cold. Lol.”
“My daughter loved being able to see how many blocks she could stack to create a sculpture. She was confident every time that she could beat her sister!! As a mom, it was nice to see a game that challenges them to use their fine motor skills and spatial awareness. Forces them to learn a little bit of physics while they play.”
“Makes a great gift”