What do you do with all your old fruits and veggies – no need to throw them out! This cool STEAM kit will deliver hours of exploration, creativity, learning and enjoyment. With more than 20 science and art activities, Just Add Fruits & Veggies will bring hours of fun and enjoyment while learning chemical reactions, osmosis, germination and study of electricity!
Evaluation comments:
“There are several different science experiments to do here and so it makes for a fun game!”
“This kit is well made and has options to make a lemon volcano, a potato battery, fruit and veggies stamps and others. We absolutely LOVE art projects so the kids were excited to see accessories: paints and brushes, bamboo skewers, food coloring and cookie cutters.”
“Our favorite part about this game is being in our own kitchen and grabbing our favorite fruits and veggies to complete the experiments. My kids thought it was the coolest thing to make note cards and thank you cards with their own art work out of fruit and veggies.”