Inspired by the animated series, Morphle, this Morphle Magic Pet Mobile Playset features lots to do with friends, Mila and Morphle. The pet mobile moves on wheels that really roll, and opens to reveal a colorful play space with a chair, a bed, and a monitor screen. Discover a spinning pod wheel and kid-powered pet shower. Fill the tub with ice cold water. Dip the 1.34-inch-tall Morphle in the tub, and immerse in water. Bubbles appear on his body. Pose the 2-inch-tall Mila figure in lots of poses. Collect extra pods from Morphle Collectible Magic Pet blind capsules (sold separately) to use with the spinning wheel. Change the cards in the wall monitor to showcase different magic pets from the series. Pets can ride in pods, in the rooftop dome, or inside the vehicle. When playtime is over, stow figures and accessories inside.
Evaluation comments:
“Colorful, fun, engaging with the happy characters.”
“This is especially useful for kids who have pets to show about responsibilities of cleaning their pets, brushing them, and drying them with the towel.”
“Great for imaginative play!”