Introducing HYP03™ Eczema Spray, one of the first baby safe skin remedies to use Hypochlorous. It is gentle, steroid-free and non-toxic. Not only does it soothe the skin upon application, it clears away underlying bacteria. Hypochlorous is a 100% natural ingredient, holistic solution your white blood cells are already producing to fight infections. A spray a day keeps rash away!
Evaluation comments:
“The consistency of this spray is exactly like water–very liquid-y with no scent or color whatsoever.”
“I have used this for several days and my son’s skin is doing great. It’s a great steroid-free, alternative treatment.”
“This is really useful as a quick treatment since it can be tough to apply creams and ointments to a wiggly baby.”
“I like how easy this is to apply.”