Although Mac and Mac are as hollow-headed as, well, noodles, they’re always coming up with brilliant schemes, but kids can use their own noodles to see where the brothers’ ideas go wrong. Noodleheads Find Something Fishy by Tedd Arnold and Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss is a graphic novel, perfect for comic fans and reluctant readers. It offers short, funny chapters following Mac and Mac through ridiculous adventures. This series rooted in world folklore and traditional tales of fools is full of wordplay, jokes and slapstick humor.
Evaluation Comments:
“Kids will really get a kick out this book.”
“Love the back matter where it explains about noodlehead stories and connect their stories with motifs.”
“Kids will enjoy the illustrations as well — silly and welcoming.”
“Definitely a kid-friendly offering and the back matter will be of special interest to adults as well.”