Songs for kids and the people who love them. An award-winning compilation of favorite Kelli Welli sing-a-long and storytelling songs, plus some new tunes and lullabies she wrote during her first year as a new mom to boy/girl twins. Original songs, inspired by kids and animals in her life, weave unique, sometimes silly tales, celebrate love, nature, languages, and honor the details that come with raising the amazing kids in our lives. Smart, fun, often hilarious, always genuine.
Evaluation comments from our NAPPA Awards Music Judge:
“Very well done, Kelli Welli! The award-winning Portland, OR-based musician exhibits a wonderful sense of silliness for little ones on tracks “Turtlurtlurtle,” “Tacos, Bananas, and Toy Boats,” and “Hello, I Am a Monkey.” But she also reveals (mainly in the middle of the album) a quiet, gentle side with songs like “I’m In Love With You,” “Just Snuggle In” and “La Lullaby.” Wrapping up the album, “Pretend Summer,” “Got So Much Love For You,” and “Cooking Up Some Happiness” provide joyous music for the whole family to enjoy. Good-humored and good-hearted, Ooh La La Too delivers a strong set of twang-flavored songs (you’ll find some fine picking on “Little Ray of Sunshine” for example). Kelli Welli fans should note that this album is mostly a compilation of older (although remastered) songs along with some new ones too. If you’re new to Kelli Welli, this album will serve as a great introduction to her music.”