The Nuzzle Baby Lounger with AiraTex provides an ideal spot for baby – sides swaddle baby and prevent rolling with best in class breathability! The AiraTex three dimensional weaving technology cradles your baby on millions of fingers of thread, quite literally holding your baby up on a bed of breathable air for a safe and comfortable rest. Naturally regulates baby’s body heat. Washable, interchangeable cover available in several playful designs. Portable, lightweight and hypoallergenic.
From our evaluators:
“I’m very impressed with this product and its usefulness. Having a safe place to lay your baby down for a nap is a necessity.”
“I really like the special weave construction that creates air holes. It’s almost like my baby is napping on air. The sides swaddle my daughter into a cocoon that she can’t roll out of. It gives a parent peace of mind.”