Rescue Runts are adoptable puppies that you rescue, groom & love. Use the included grooming kit to remove their fleas, wipe away their tears, clean their paws and comb their fur. Remove their bandages and perk up their ears to complete the transformation from ragged runt to perfect pet. Choose a name to write on the collar to make the adoption official. Rescue Runts’ messy fur, downturned ears, dirty paws and bandage can be restored for repeated rescue play.
Evaluation comments:
“I like that it came with lots of fun activities for my 3-year-old to do.”
“My daughter enjoyed removing the fleas and tears off Shepard and enjoyed cleaning him up.”
“The rescue runts are very soft and the instructions on the box are very easy to follow.”
“An innovate toy and a nice way to teach compassion and caring”