Singer-songwriter Kare Strong and Grammy nominated multi-instrumentalist Josh Goforth join forces to create sweet, fun and gentle songs for the whole family with Rivers of Love . The songs tell tales of friendship, goodwill, generosity, and most of all love.
From our NAPPA music judge:
“With Rivers of Love, Strong and Goforth have created a beautiful, bucolic album of acoustic music involving nature, animals, and a fairy or two. Strong, who possesses a lovely lilting voice, wrote the CD’s 14 songs, although they hold a timeless quality of traditional tunes. Goforth, an award-winning fiddler, plays a multitude of instruments, along with doing the animal voices. It is a hard to pick out stand-out individual tracks because the songs flow together so well. With its set of gentle, outdoorsy music, Rivers of Love is a marvelous album that listeners of all ages can love.”