Keep your child’s school gear organized and easy to spot with Custom School Supply Labels from Name Bubbles, winner of a Mom’s Choice Award. Made to withstand daily use, these durable, waterproof labels for school supplies ensure that pencils, folders, backpacks, lunch boxes, electronics, books, folders, clothing, and more are never lost or confused with classmates’ items. Select from all our styles, colors, and fonts to build a unique set of school supply labels. Personalize a set today, and your child’s items will be easily identifiable, significantly reducing the chances of them getting lost forever.
Evaluation comments:
“These make labeling my daughter’s back-to-school gear super easy.”
“They are cute and easy to use.”
“With multiple children, each child can choose their own background pattern and font making them highly individualized to each child. At one point, I bought a label maker and it was so much more work – they weren’t cute – and they all fell off. This is much better.”
“These really do seem to hold up well. The name tag that I have placed on her bento lunch box is still there after being washed with a sponge multiple times.”
“I really like that the labels come in different shapes and sizes.”
“Great back to school purchase for every family.”