Social Thinking Methodology is based on strategies to help kids, starting at age 4, improve their social competencies through self-regulation and social-emotional learning and problem solving. This series of products are created to reinforce these strategies either at home or in the classroom.
The Zones of Regulation: A Curriculum Designed to Foster Self-Regulation and Emotional Control
A framework and easy-to-use curriculum for teaching strategies for emotional and sensory self-management to children, students, and clients ages 4+. Rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy, The Zones uses four colors to help social learners identify how they are feeling in the moment given their sensory processing, emotions, and level of alertness and guides them to metacognitive strategies to support regulation. $54.99, ages 4+,
The Road to Regulation & The Regulation Station: Understanding and Managing Feelings & Emotions
Comprised of two sequential, illustrated storybooks for children ages 5-11+ explain The Zones of Regulation® and teach practical strategies and tools to engage children in learning to manage their feelings & emotions at home and school. $44.99, ages 5-11,
The Road to Regulation Poster
Adapted from The Regulation Station storybook. This 24” x 18” poster is a flexible, real-time reminder of the four steps needed to (1) recognize your feelings, (2) identify your Zone, (3) choose a tool, and (4) use the tool to help regulate your feelings experienced across different situations. Use it at home, school, or clinic to review information with children while reading the 2-storybook set & to support lessons from the curriculum. $9.99, ages 5-11,
Tools to Try Cards for Kids: Regulation Strategies to Focus, Calm, Think, Move, Breathe, and Connect
A choice-rich, portable, strategy card deck to help kids explore and practice more than 50 self-regulation tools at home, in school, or in therapeutic and community settings. The two-sided strategy cards are divided into 5 categories that describe strategies to focus, calm, think, move, breathe, and connect developed from lessons in the popular The Zones of Regulation book. Each strategy card displays a visual graphic on one side that illustrates how to use the tool and, on the reverse, describes concrete steps for using the tool effectively. $19.99, ages 5-10,
Tools to Try Cards for Tweens & Teens: Regulation Strategies to Focus, Calm, Think, Move, Breathe, and Connect
A multi-sensory strategy card deck to help students explore, choose, and practice 50 self-regulation tools at home, in school, or in therapeutic and community settings. The 2-sided cards are divided into 5 categories that describe strategies to focus, calm, think, move, breathe, and connect. These visually accessible, 4”x6” strategy cards feature a relatable tween-teen character performing a strategy on one side and a how-to-do-it description on the reverse, along with a teen-focused Why to Try? and self-reflection. This hands-on metacognitive tool supplements The Zones of Regulation curriculum. $19.99, ages 11+,
Evaluation comments:
“The cognitive behavior approach is familiar to educators and they will find this curriculum book to be well thought out and easy to utilize.”
“I think the poster is a great visual to have in the classroom to help the students remember the program.”
“This would be a great tool for a special education teacher or any teachers dealing with students who are having a hard time regulating their emotions.”
“The story books can be read to a class or a small group of students or at home with the family. They are filled with great examples of all the feelings one goes through on a daily basis- from being tired, nervous about missing a bus, scared of being called on in school, etc. The books explore the zones and the tools that the students can use to help them regulated their emotions and work through them to get through the daily routines.”
“A great tool to help elementary students understand the emotions/feelings that they are going through each day and to learn about the zones (Blue- lower energy- down, tired, bored, etc.: Green-calm energy-focused, ready to learn; Yellow- more energy, feelings are strong-excited, silly, worried; Red- big energy- angry, panicked, super excited) and tools to deal with them. The books are easy to read and have great suggestions for facilitators.”
“Both sets of cards include a variety of ways to support students to regulate their emotions and to explore how various actions make them feel. There are cards to connect (smile at someone); “Do It” (be a helper); Feel it (Mindful listening); Move it (tense and relax); Think it (Embrace mistakes). The tween/teen set have similar, age-appropriate suggestions in the same categories. These tools to try cards are to be used as a supplement to the curriculum book. They can also be used by students individually to explore on their own.”
“I like these cards; they are a very concrete regulations strategies for students 5 through teens. The cards are a supplement for the curriculum and teachers and support staff should be familiar with the curriculum in order to use them with their students.”