Join the fun with your dive team as you swim around collecting shells to trade in Shelly’s Pearl! This early learning Life & Thinking Skills game helps young players achieve goals and practice strategy while building fine motor skills. Each time you reach one of the three trading bubbles, collect a shell, and trade your smaller ones for larger ones. The game ends when everyone has collected their prize pearl and can “shellebrate” together!
There are many amazing creatures of all different colors, shapes, sizes, and identities in the ocean. Some creatures identify as she, others as he, and some as they. Shelly the octopus uses “they/them” pronouns. Shelly’s personal pronouns are shared only in the instruction booklet. The game does not utilize pronouns in the gameplay but does provide the opportunity for parents and caregivers to discuss personal pronouns if desired.
Evaluation comments:
“I like that this game can be played in a non-competitive way, the first to finish helps the others.”
“It can also be played as a competitive game with the first player getting Shelly’s pearl (only one prize would be put in the box). Children learn how to trade; smaller values can be added together to make a larger value. They learn to play on individually and as a team.”
“The game is colorful, fun and a good first board game for young children. I also like that the main character quietly identifies as ‘they/them.'”
“Fun family game to play with younger kids.”