Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, and their friends are lost in the labyrinth in Spidey and his Amazing Friends Labyrinth Junior! Help find them by shifting the maze and moving along the paths. The first to find all the characters on their tokens and return to their starting place wins! With over 20 million copies sold worldwide, Labyrinth is a classic Ravensburger game featuring a unique moving maze game board. Shift the maze to reveal new paths and find your way to Spidey and his amazing friends. Block your opponents by moving walls and be the first to find all of your friends!
Evaluation comments:
“This is a very fun game based on the marvel characters of Spidey.”
“This is an entertaining game and will teach children how to come up with strategies to move their pieces and learn to play board games.”
“This will also “train” the children how to play the game so they can play the more advanced versions of labyrinth games in the future.”
“This would be a fun gift for a family with younger children. They can learn how to play and navigate through a changing maze. It will be different every time, so challenging and entertaining.”