Invented by UK child swimwear specialist Splash About, the UV FloatSuit is the perfect learn-to-swim aid. With 16 adjustable floats, buoyancy can be tailored for all swim abilities, from building water confidence to learning-to-swim independently. It automatically positions the child correctly in water for learning-to-swim, allowing complete freedom of movement as the arms are not restricted by water-wings or reliant on holding floats. Practical, durable, made from soft Nylon-Lycra offering the maximum UPF50+ sun protection.Our product testers said the following about this product:
“The suit is easy to put on and take off yet it’s very secure once on.”
“I think having the foam in 2 pieces at each row is the key to it’s success.”
“Even if he jumps in the pool and lands weird he can easily find his bearings to flip around and swim”
“Its helped his kicking tremendously and he really gets around the pool!”