Welcome To Zingtannica Home of the Stikbot Legendz. Home to a unique population of StikBots living in prosperity, Zingtannica is a diverse megalopolis powered by stop motion energy is divided into six distinct districts, each with a different biome and function that is vital to the realm and home to various Legendz (both hero and villain). The Story of Zingtannica, is the next step in the expansion of the StikBot universe. It’s a collection of 6,660 unique, randomly generated StikBot avatars, each from one of the six districts. They each showcase the individual style and culture of their district. Now that we have fully entered the ever-evolving digital space, our mission focuses on integrating new technologies and providing more tools, guides, assets, as well as a safe platform for the community of fanbots to continue cultivating their creativity and skills to achieve higher levels of creativity.
Evaluation comments:
“My son has loved watching the you tube videos about these figures so he was excited to get them.”
“My son loved making them stick to the wall and using his imagination playing with the different characters.”
“We are now exploring stop motin animation with these, which is fun to learn and I like watching my son use his imagination in so many different ways.”
“Fun toys!”