Available in both English and Spanish versions, The ABCs of Learning Issues is a practical guide to help parents understand common learning disabilities and behaviors they may observe at home and hear about from teachers. It offers effective teaching strategies for school and at home, provides a list of professionals who can assist in treating learning issues, and directs readers to Educational Alternatives’ website where they can ask the author confidential questions regarding their children.
Evaluation comments:
“This book is like a dictionary for parents trying to understand the alphabet soup of education. It is very easy to use and understand, and could be an important tool for families trying to understand the terminology that teachers and administrators use when talking about their students.”
“The beginning of the book covers learning issues such as “decoding skills” and “executive functioning skills.” Each learning issue is defined and explained, discusses what behaviors parents may observe in that area and what professionals can treat each specific issue, as well as strategies for school and home.”
“Helpful areas include a section to assist parents who are going through the special education maze, including 504 plans and Individualized Education Program (IEPs) and college-transition topics.”
“This is a wonderful tool for parents trying to understand the education system and all the terminology that is used at meetings about their students.”
“This book is immensely helpful as a resource no only for parents of children with special needs but to anyone within the education field. The book is very easy to read, everything is laid out in the same format: clinical definition → educational definition → what does this all really mean? This makes the language accessible to parents. The book clearly follows a step by
step process on how parents can best help their children at home based on what they are observing.”
“One example of a great resource in the book is the sample letter template provided for parents to advocate for their child’s testing while also providing them with a step-by-step on the process and possible outcomes.”