The Juice Learning for Families is an interactive learning platform that delivers engaging daily articles at your child’s reading level. Original content covers current events, science, technology and more. The Juice is designed for 5th-12th graders and is tailored to meet children where they are, regardless of ability. As readers use The Juice, the reading algorithm dynamically adjusts your child’s reading level. Articles improve your child’s world knowledge and build their confidence in discussing current events.
Evaluation comments:
“I like that this online educational tool offers a student addition and a teacher addition.”
“The student addition is engaging with daily emails that take students (grade levels 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 or 11+) to a page with daily news- which appears like a newspaper. The sections are diverse and range from world news, weather, economics, vocabulary (word of the day), arts and entertainment, a daily poll (i.e., have you ever been to the ballet), on the bright side (feel good stories), quote of the day and a brief history story.”
“For the students, this supports improved reading comprehension, learning about key ideas and details. The follow up questions help the students (at their grade level) to interpret the words and phrases of the stories, to integrate the knowledge and ideas.”
“This is teaching critical thinking and current events.”
“The teacher’s addition gets daily summaries of student’s answers, participation, class performance. The teachers also have resources available such as lesson guides and activities to extend the learning and best use instructional time.”
“I really enjoyed reading the daily news.”
“I found the stories informative. The questions for the students are appropriate per grade level and show the teachers if they understand the text.”
“The resources are wonderful for teachers to support their students and all the data is helpful as well.”
“This is a great program for teachers grades 5 through high school.”
“I think this is a wonderful program.”