The Toniebox Starter Set is a soft, screen-free speaker for children. Using magnetic figures called Tonies, toddlers and young children can navigate storytelling and music independently, opening up their world to a library of education and entertainment. It is a kid-safe media platform filled with content from premium partners including National Geographic, Penguin Random House and Levar Burton. In addition, original tonies content offers hours of storytelling, songs, mindfulness activities and more.
Evaluation comments:
“This adorable, fun and unique”
“The set up is easy”
“I like that it’s screen-free and your child can take this anywhere.”
“I like that there is parental control for some things such as content, volume and lights.”
“I like that you can add content to the creative Tonie such as recording your own voice reading a story (or grandma/grandpa reading), which is an amazing option.”
“Super cute and fun!”
“This makes a great gift”