Vida the Vet follows ten-year-old Vida, an animal doctor who nurtures the charming and silly woodland creatures who live outside her home. Whether it be a fox with a sprained paw, a turtle with an itchy toe, or a tiger with an aching tooth, Vida is the vet for the job! Season 1 of this series will be available on Netflix with 52 x 11-minute episodes.
Evaluation comments:
“The main character is cute and sweet and instructs children about caring for animals through songs and stories.”
“The episodes are calming and will keep a child’s interest for the 20-minute duration.”
“I like that there are lessons lightly taught such as keeping sugar intake low to avoid teeth issues.”
“The episodes emphasize positive choices, fun stories, facts about various animals and musical aspects.”
“There is subtle diversity throughout the series. The main character has two dads, although it is not discussed. She just leaves each day to go on to her adventures and comes back at the end of the day and her dads are there to say goodbye and hello.”
“In addition, the animals have various accents showing they are from around the world.”
“This is a cute show and fun to watch.”