“Vlad & Niki” is an imaginative, live-action preschool YouTube series, showcasing the everyday comedic antics of two young brothers, starring eight-year-old Vlad Vashketov and five-year-old Niki Vashketov, along with the help of their humorous mother Victoria Vashketova. “Vlad & Niki” has more than 68+ million subscribers on its English Channel and 173+ million worldwide with more than 94+ billion total views.
The streaming short-form content is packed with non-stop adventures, creativity and tons of fun. Localized on 16 channels and translated into 18 languages, the key preschool learning themes for “Vlad & Niki” include family fun, discovery play, home adventures, indoor and outdoor fun and games, singing and dancing.
Evaluation comments:
Vlad & Niki ABC Learn English Alphabet is adorable and educational.”
“I like that the boys in the video are “real”, they are silly, funny and animated. The videos are educational and have some fun graphics that would be entertaining to the 3–5-year-old. The videos are short, perfect for that age group.”
“The videos are educational and developmentally appropriate for preschoolers.”