Play Date’s new record – We All Shine – is light, soulful, stylish, and unforgettable. From the cool 60’s vibe of “Stevie the Fox”, to the super-sneaky rap lullaby “Ninja Pajamas, (featuring indie rapper P.O.S.) and the undeniably heart-filling “L-O-V-E You” – these songs may have been written for children, but they glow with a sophistication that blends catchy rock and kindie themes seamlessly, making for an exciting music experience that inspires the imagination.
Why we like it: The husband/wife duo of Greg Attonito and Shanti Wintergate serve up a playful set of songs. The accent here is on foody tunes about fruits and vegetables, which get intro’d with humorous “public service announcements;” however, the pair also shine on a couple of lullabies, the rap-style “Ninja Pajamas” and the more traditionally-styled “Goodnight.”