Roll the dice. Flip a card. Race to create the most words in a minute. WORD WITT is a quick and FUN game for building important academic skills in school-age kids while keeping word-loving adults engaged and thinking. Designed as a positive way to naturally reinforce phonemic awareness, spelling, mental agility, and more. WORD WITT provides lightning-quick opportunities to think, compete, and laugh while building self-confidence and social skills. A perfect game for families and the classroom.
Evaluation comments:
“This game is a great game to encourage spelling and keeping the brain in motion.”
“I think this is a fun game for teachers to use in class to encourage spelling practice, creating words. I also think this is a fun family game night activity.”
“Great for travel. You can play at a restaurant, at the hotel at night or take it with you to grandma’s and everyone can join the fun.”