Working parenthood can be overwhelming, frustrating, and riddled with guilt. It can also be a source of joy, inspiration, and creativity. The key to working parenthood is to learn how your multiple roles, together, can help you thrive! Balancing rich scientific research with friendly, supportive tips and anecdotes. Work, Parent, Thrive: 12 Science-Backed Strategies to Ditch Guilt, Manage Overwhelm, and Grow Connection (When Everything Feels Like Too Much) is the toolkit to help even the most stressed of working parents grow the good while better managing inevitable challenges.
Evaluation comments:
“Really important messages in this book for working parents, who are always feeling pulled and overwhelmed with guilt and responsibilities.”
“This book is educational for parents who are feeling overwhelmed with working and parenting.”
“The author, Yael Schonbrun, PhD gives practical, doable strategies, she does not sugarcoat this challenging time for parents.”
“The author helps parents shift how they think about their experiences and find meaning and value in their work and parenting roles. Part of the strategies deal with mindfulness in work and parenting, really being aware of what you are doing, how you are doing it.”
“This book is down to earth, which is why I like it.”
“The author never states you can do it all, be the perfect parent or perfect employee. She really talks about managing the stress, the strategies are no nonsense, a lot of mindfulness- really understanding the situation.”
“A lot of practical information, like letting the kids watch a show while you are on a zoom call- give them a big hug prior to it; going into the bathroom to take a few deep breaths and pulling yourself together; knowing when you are too tired to answer more emails and going to bed.”
“This is a great book for working parents. Easy to read, great practical strategies that just make sense.”