For all of us trying to figure out learning at home, the Z-kai’s Zoom-Up Workbook is a great tool to help our kids engage with math. Zoom-Up is tailored to develop children’s mathematical thinking, problem solving and explanation skills that are necessary for their future success in STEM. This Workbook contains 45 challenging problem sets that are designed to be close to children’s daily lives and to optimize their understanding and perseverance. Children will be able to find delight in utilizing math in the real world. Solving challenging tasks will also help them develop confidence and motivation.
Evaluation Comments:
“This digital book is absolutely educational. ”
“An excellent tool for parents homeschooling their children or for an extra project for a child who is needing to move up in math skills or to remember math skills as they are moving to the next level.”
“the workbook builds skills for algebra and geometry and also works on problem solving skills, reading and comprehension, understanding tables, graphs etc. and more.”
“Easy to follow and use”
“The text clearly shows how to do a variety of math problems, and the word problems are interesting and fun.”
“This digital book is a great tool for our current, safe at home situation.”
“Zoom over and download your Zoom-Up virtual math workbook!”
“Zoom-Up has multiple digital math workbooks that correspond to your child’s grade level! As a teacher looking through the virtual zoom-up math workbook for grade 3, I was immediately drawn to the variety of math practice included.”
“The workbook has fluency and fact practice for multiplication and division, story problems for multi-step problem solving practice, and drawings and graphics to help students make sense of more complex mathematical concepts. Many of the problems are similar to what they would see on state standardized tests, helping them prepare from wherever they are.”
“At the back of the workbook is an “Answers and Solutions” section. In addition to the answers to all of the problem sets, this section includes a “How to think and solve” for each problem. This way, if students are having trouble grasping a concept or technique, they can follow the step-by-step guidance.”
“Some of the story problems are challenging, and are labeled with a “thumbs up” to identify them. Families and students can work at their own pace, and bounce between chapters to for targeted practice. Remote learning isn’t easy, but Zoom-Up gives families and students a way to engage together, problem-solve, and keep up with their learning at home!”