We’re celebrating Kindness and Inclusion with these recent NAPPA Award winners. Whether it’s through music, books, toys or games, we can show our kids that choosing kindness, celebrating differences and our own uniqueness is always a good idea.
Showing respect and compassion not only promotes belonging, but it actually creates a sense of well-being for our kids. Kindness also boosts happiness and more acts of kindness.
Congratulations to these recent NAPPA Award winners:
Share Your Love
The rhyming couplets and beautiful art in this charming book carry children through the thoughtful process of extending love and kindness to themselves and the world. $18.95, ages 3-7, shambhala.com
Asian Cultural Dolls Collection
Representing diverse Asian cultures, these 18″ dolls promote self-love, heritage pride and respect. The initial collection features 6 dolls, representing Chinese, Filipina, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean and Indian cultures. $55, ages 2+, joeydolls.com
The Yugo Game
Developed by a yoga therapist, this game features over 40 fun and engaging poses and movements for energy and relaxation. It can be played as one larger deck or split into two smaller decks for up to 10 players. Great for classrooms, camps or at home with friends. $24.95, theyugogame.com
Rubik’s Sensory Cube
Feel the colors. A unique 3×3 cube that has six distinguishable tactile markings for each color of the cube. Designed to enable the visually impaired and unsighted users or those who enjoy the challenge of solving the cube by feel alone. Launched in partnership with the National Federation of the Blind. $12.99, ages 8+, amazon.com
Ammu’s Treasures by Chandrika Tandon
A three-volume omnibus of 35 songs in different genres and languages and 21 Vedic chants with accompanying animation videos. A gift of intergenerational love and hugs, featuring 17 maestros. $35, ages 3-10, chandrikatandon.com
How Do You Know What You Know?
A charming story that celebrates tracing the origin of everything. Encourages curiosity and shows children that everywhere they look there is a story to be told if they ask. $18.95, ages 4-8, shambhala.com
Flipeez Stuffed Animals
Adorable plushies with big personalities and the cutest expressions. Squeeze their feet for a giggle. Watch their arms flap or their ears flip, depending on the character. Get a Dragon, Puppy, Panda or a Fennec Fox. $14.99, ages 3+, myflipeez.com
Social Skills Activities for Today’s Kids
Features 75+ colorful activities and hands-on projects to help prepare children for social situations such as making friends, being at school, going to new places and being online. Includes a removable social skills handbook and family discussion starters. $11.99, ages 4-11, evan-moor.com
For more award-winning products visit nappaawards.com.