Unicorn Academy
The boarding school of every kid’s dreams. This Netflix-original animated series follows Sophia and the rest of the freshman class as they must bond with their unicorns to unlock their magical powers. Will have these students’ balancing classwork, navigating friendships and rivalries, and dealing with trials and tribulations of typical teen life. Ages 4+, unicornacademy.com
Patty Shukla YouTube Channel
Learn educational songs with widely recognized singer/song-writer, Miss Patty. Shows focus on counting, shapes, colors, the alphabet, right hand left hand, months of the year, days of the week, phonics and ASL sign language. Includes action songs for kids to jump, dance and move. FREE, ages bith-8 years, youtube.com
Vida the Vet
Follows ten-year-old Vida, an animal doctor who nurtures the charming and silly woodland creatures who live outside her home. Whether it be a fox with a sprained paw, a turtle with an itchy toe, or a tiger with an aching tooth, Vida is the vet for the job. FREE, ages 3+, spinmaster.com