Our favorite thing about the holidays isn’t the gifts or the time off work, but the precious memories we make during this extra special time of year. These homemade holiday ideas will give you the perfect excuse to gather around the fireplace and make a meaningful impression that will last longer than the snow.

Photo credit: Gretchen Miller
Growing Gratitude Tree
Take some time to think about what you cherish with your family and this Thanksgiving-inspired gratitude tree. You can make it as stylish or simplistic as you want; either way it’s sure to spark a meaningful conversation around the dinner table. This easy DIY craft is perfect for little ones to help out with, and they’ll love showing off their creations to friends and family.
What you’ll need:
- A tree branch
- Colored construction paper
- Scissors
- Markers/Pens/Crayons
- A vase
- Tape, string, or glue
- Sand or pebbles (to keep the branches upright)
Step 1: Find a tree branch (or branches) that are dried out and sturdy
Step 2: Arrange the branches to your liking
Step 3: Fill your vase or container with sand or pebbles to keep the branches in place
Step 4: Cut out some leaf shapes with construction paper
Step 5: Gather around the family and write a couple things you are grateful for. It can be as big as spending some quality time together, or as little as always having enough cookies on hand. If your kids are a little too young to grasp the concept, showcase their drawings or their budding handwriting skills!
Step 6: Use glue, tape, or string to attach the gratitude leaves to the branches.
Voila, you have your own little growing gratitude tree. Pro tip: paint the branches for white for an added touch of elegance!

Photo credit: Mamacheaps.com
Rainbow Reindeer Grub
If you’re kids just can’t wait for Santa, make your own reindeer food to draw him in! You may already have all the materials at home, you just need a couple of minutes of quality time with the family. This adorable, environmentally friendly idea is the perfect gift for the happy DIY holidays.
What you’ll need:
- 2 cups of oats (the real kind, not the instant packs)
- 2 cups of bird seed
- 2 tablespoons of red edible glitter or sprinkles
- 2 tablespoons of green edible glitter or sprinkles
- Sandwich size plastic baggies
- Adhesive gift tags and pen (for the magical poem)
Step 1: Measure out all the ingredients
Step 2: Mix them all together in one big bowl
Step 3: Separate the holiday goodness into as many bags as you like
Step 4: Write down your own special reindeer poem, or use ours listed below
Come Santa, come Dasher, come Donner and Vixen
Come Cupid, Come Comet, follow Rudolph and Blitzen
Lead Santa to our home and into our kitchen
For cookies, love, and his most merry mission!
Tada! Rest assured little ones, Santa will not be able to pass this one up.
Celebratory Scavenger Hunt
No matter what you’re celebrating this holiday season, nothing screams fun more than a scavenger hunt. Start a new family tradition by hiding a gift and watch your kids decipher the clues. If you’re feeling crafty, create your own riddles, but you can always use ours as inspiration.
What you’ll need:
- Paper for the clues, can be as simple or crafty as you like.
- A good spot to hide a gift (dryer, secret shelf, bathtub, etc)
- A fun gift that will be worth searching for
Step 1: Hide the gift. Make sure it’s not too hard for younger children, and not too easy for the older ones
Step 2: Write the clues. Feeling stuck? Use our ideas!
This first clue will be a treat! Look where you get something to eat… (kitchen)
Looking for a missing link? Why don’t you take a peek in the sink (bathroom)
Outside is really quite chilly. Check the front porch, but don’t be silly! (mailbox)
Rudolph pulls a sleigh, not a car or boat. For the next clue, check your ____ (coat)
Run, run, run to where the laundry’s always done! (dryer)
Step 3: Watch the fun unfold

Photo credit: momwifebusylife.com
Brrr(ird) Pinecone Feeder
Give your local birds a gift this holiday season with the peanut butter and birdseed pinecone feeder. Embrace the magic of the great outdoors with this simple and fun idea for you and your kids. With only seven simple steps and plenty of opportunities to customize your feeder, your family is sure to be the squawk of the town.
What you’ll need:
- The biggest pinecone you can find
- String
- 1/2 cup of peanut butter
- 1/2 cup of oatmeal or cornmeal (maybe from what’s left over of the Reindeer Grub?)
- Birdseed mix
- Plate or tin
Step 1: Tie the string around one end of the pinecone
Step 2: Mix the peanut butter with your oats/cornmeal
Step 3: Warm the mixture up briefly in the microwave or over (makes it easier to spread)
Step 4: Use a spoon or some gooey fingers to spread the mixture over the pinecone. Try to get it in all the little nooks and crannies – the birds will thank you!
Step 5: Pour the birdseed into your plate or tin
Step 6: Roll the sticky pinecone through the birdseed until it is completely covered
Step 7: Hang your pinecone!
Candy Cane Cleaners
Living room looking a little bare this Christmas season? Recreate everyone’s favorite striped candies with this simple, kid-friendly, DIY ornament project. You only need three items to spruce up your spruce tree, so you’ll have plenty of extra time to make those cookies for Santa.
What you’ll need:
- 1 package of green pipe cleaners
- 1 package of red pony beads
- 1 package of white pony beads
Step 1: Tie a knot at one end of the pipe cleaner
Step 2: String the beads through, rotating between red and white
Step 3: Once full, tie another knot at the other end of the pipe cleaner
Step 4: Bend the tip of the pipe cleaner to a lower case ‘R’ shape, just like a candy cane
Step 5: Decorate the tree with your creations, or give as stocking stuffers to family and friends